Add news article

Because adding HTML articles by hand into a database can be annoying, and error prone, we are going to create a simple page that will allow you to type in the title of the news, and the body’s HTML and save as new news article into the database. Of course, by providing only a normal HTML input, the method will not be less error prone, but you are free to replace a text HTML editor with a wysiwyg editor of your choosing. We will require a route for this page, that will handle both displaying of the page and saving the news data to the database. To display a page, we will not need a Controller but we will need one for saving the data into the database.

Setting up the route

We are going to define one route that will handle both displaying of the page, as well as saving the data into the database. We will display the page through HTTP method GET, and save data through HTTP method POST. Let’s go ahead and create it:

$this->_routes[] = [
    "uri"       =>  "news/create",
    "method"    =>  Route::METHOD_GET | Route::METHOD_POST,
    "action"    =>  function (
        Request $request,
        Response $response,
        Application $app
    ) {
        $view = $app["loadView.service"]("CreateNews");
        if ($request->getMethod() === "POST"
            && (new \App\Controller\News($app["loadModel.service"]("News")))
                ->save($request->request, $response, $view)
        ) {
        $view->addSubView("head", $app["loadView.service"]("Head"))
            ->addSubView("foot", $app["loadView.service"]("Foot"))

You have to make sure that the create news route is defined before the single news page, because the news/create URI will be matched by news/[:params:] first, and we do not want that, because we want to show the create news page. Our Route will also handle saving of news data into the database, and will not render any view, since we will use the Controller to save the data and redirect the user to the newly created news article.

Template and View

Now lets go ahead an prepare the CreateNews.php template file which will provide a HTML form with the title input, and the article body text area:

<?= $subview_head; ?>
<div class="create-news-container">
    <h1>Create news article</h1>
    <div class="error" style="color:red"><?= $error; ?></div>
    <form action="/news/create" method="POST">
        <div class="row">
            <label for="news-title">Title:</label>
            <input type="text" name="title" id="news-title" value="<?= $title; ?>">
        <div class="row">
            <label for="news-body">Body:</label>
            <textarea name="body" id="news-body"><?= $body; ?></textarea>
        <input type="submit" value="Save">
<?= $subview_foot; ?>

As you can see, we are also printing a $title and a $body onto the Template already, those are there in case an error occurs while saving the article, and we can refill the fields as well as show an error. Those are only set when an attempt to save the article is made, so the View class will have to set empty ones in the preRender method if they are not yet set. Let’s go ahead and create the CreateNews View Class:

namespace App\View;

use SlaxWeb\View\Base as BaseView;

class CreateNews extends BaseView
    public function preRender(array $data)
        $this->viewData["error"] = $this->viewData["error"] ?? "";
        $this->viewData["title"] = $this->viewData["title"] ?? "";
        $this->viewData["body"] = $this->viewData["body"] ?? "";

Saving the article

We have everything prepared and so we can define the save method in the News Controller class:

public function save(Params $parameters, \SlaxWeb\Router\Response $response, \App\View\CreateNews $view): bool
    $title = $parameters->get("title");
    $body = $parameters->get("body");
    if (is_empty($title) || is_empty($body)) {
        $view->viewData["error"] = "News article data is not valid.";
        $view->viewData["title"] = $title;
        $view->viewData["body"] = $body;
        return false;
    if ($this->newsModel->create($parameters->all())) {
        $view->viewData["error"] = "Error saving news article: " . $this->newsModel->lastError();
        $view->viewData["title"] = $title;
        $view->viewData["body"] = $body;
        return false;
    $response = $response->redirect("/news");
    return true;

The Controller just makes a quick check if the article title and body have been set in the request data, and triggers an error if they are not. In a real world application you will want to use a proper validation here. If the data checks out, we simply create a new row in the database, and when no error has occurred we redirect the visitor to the news listing page. If an error occurs, then it is presented on the web page.