
The SlaxWeb Framework exposes the Monolog logger library as a service to the Application object. It provides 3 different loggers of which 2 are reserved for internal workings. All 3 are reachable through the logger.service service name in the Application object, and are exposed as protected functions to it.

Using the logger

To obtain a logger, simply call the logger.service service on the Application object and pass the name of the logger as the first parameter:


If the input parameter is ommited, the service will return the default logger that is set with the defaultLogger configuration option in the logger.php configuration file.

For actual use of the logger, please refer to the Monolog logger library documentation.

Configuring the logger

Loggers can be configured in the logger.php configuration file.


The defaultLogger must contain the name of a logger defined in the loggerSettings configuration, and is used when no input is supplied to the logger.service call.


The logFilePath defines a path where all the loggers will write their log files. This directory has to be writable.


loggerSettings is an array containing all the required configuration for the logger. It defines a logger with the name of the logger being the key of the array item. The array item is nested associative array containing the type of the logger as the key, and an array of options. The first entry being the file name to which the logger will log to, and the log level. If the path is absolute, the logFilePath is ignored. Example entry:

$configuration["loggerSettings"] = [
    "MyLogger"  =>  [
        Log::L_TYPE_FILE    =>  [

The above example logger will log to the MyLogger.log file in the logFilePath path, but only messages that are of severity Error or higher. Available severity options are:

  • Logger::EMERGENCY
  • Logger::ALERT
  • Logger::CRITICAL
  • Logger::ERROR
  • Logger::WARNING
  • Logger::NOTICE
  • Logger::INFO
  • Logger::DEBUG

Reserved loggers

The System and Slaxer loggers are reserved for the Framework. The Framework logs everything with the System logger, while the Slaxer command line tool and it commands use the Slaxer logger for logging. Removing these loggers from the configuration will break the Framework!