Config Component¶
The Config Component helps you manage configuration of the Framework and your own application that you are building. It simplifies loading and accessing of the configuration items through a single interface. The Config Component can load multiple different types of configurations: PHP, YAML, and XML.
The Config Component is one of the main components of the SlaxWeb Framework, and is required by it to function properly, as all Framework configuration is handled by this component. It provides the ability of different kind of configuration handlers and more can be added to extend the Config Component even further. The Container is the main class of the component, as all interactions with the component are made directly through the Container. The Handler classes are used internally in the component for parsing the configuration files.
Provides functionality for retrieval, setting, and removing of config items, as well as defines an abstract method for loading of config items from a resource, and parsing them to the internal container.
The Handler class is defined abstract and can therefor not be instantiated directly but must be instantiated through a Handler class that will provide a definition for the load method, that parses the configuration resource and populates the components Container. It provides the following methods to simplify creation of additional Config Handlers:
- get
- set
- unset
- exists
The Handler class also provides load method return value constants, that are used in the specific Handlers:
- CONFIG_LOADED - when the configuration is successfully loaded and parsed
- CONFIG_PARSE_ERROR - when the configuration is successfully loaded, but an error occurred while parsing
- CONFIG_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND - when the configuration resource provided does not exist
Prepending configuration item names¶
The configuration item key name can be prepended with the base name of the loaded configuration resource. If the second parameter, $prependResourceName is set to bool(true) when calling the load method, the load method must prepend the configuration item with the base name of the resources. Example:
// load configuration file which contains:
// $configuration["configname"] = "foo";
$app["config.service"]->load("myconf.php", true);
// read the loaded configuration item 'configname':
Note that the configuration item is now accessed with an additional myconf. before the name of the configuration item.
Specific Handlers¶
The Config Component already provides the following Handlers:
The PHP Handler loads and parses PHP configuration files. The PHP configuration files must contain an array, $configuration with that exact name. When the configuration file is loaded this array is read and all the contents are merged to existing configuration items.
The YAML Handler loads and parses YAML configuration files. There are no limitations to structuring the YAML configuration files, as the YAML format already dictates that an entry is comprised of a name and value, where value can be of many types.
The XML Handler loads and parses XML configuration files. As with YAML configuration files, the XML configurations files also hold no restrictions, each entry must have a key name, the name of the tag, and its value.
Custom Handlers¶
The Config Components allows for a simple creation of custom handlers, this way configuration items can be loaded from a custom resource. To achieve this, you have to define a new Handler class that extends the Handler abstract class and provide at least a load method, since this method is used to load the configuration resource, and parse the configuration items and save them into the configValues protected property of the abstract Handler class.
In order to get the Custom Handler working inside the Framework, the configHandler.service service definition has to be extended. The extension should instantiate the Custom Handler and return an instance of it.
Example Custom Handler, CustomHandler.php:
namespace App\Library\MyConfig;
use SlaxWeb\Config\Handler;
class CustomHandler extends Handler
public function load(string $config, bool $prependResourceName = false)
// ... custom implementation ...
return Handler::CONFIG_LOADED;
Extending the configHandler.service:
namespace App\Provider;
class Sample implements \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface
public function register(\Pimple\Container $app)
$app->extend("configHandler.service", function ($handler, ))