
When the database component is installed (please read Installation), a new configuration file is created in the app/Config/ directory called database.php. This configuration file contains the configuration for the database connection, as well as settings for the Base Model.

Connecting to a Database

The Database connection is configured in one simple array in the database.php configuration file, with the name connection. The array requires the following items to be present in the configuration:

  • driver
  • hostname
  • port (optional)
  • database
  • username
  • password


In order for the connection to work, you need to have the correct PHP drivers installed on your system. Here is a list of all available drivers in the database component as constants:

  • Driver::DB_MYSQL - mysql (default)
  • Driver::DB_PGSQL - pgsql
  • Driver::DB_SQLITE - sqlite
  • Driver::DB_ODBC - odbc
  • Driver::DB_SQLSRV - sqlsrv
  • Driver::DB_FIREBIRD - firebird
  • Driver::DB_CUBRID - cubrid
  • Driver::DB_DBLIB - dblib
  • Driver::DB_IBM - ibm
  • Driver::DB_INFORMIX - informix
  • Driver::DB_OCI - oci
  • Driver::DB_4D - 4d

To use a driver, set it to the driver attribute of the connection configuration.


A valid hostname at which the database may be reached. This can be an IP address or a host name.


Port is the only optional configuration item for the database connection. If port is omitted from the connection configuration, or port is set to int(0), then the default port for your database driver will be used. The value of port must be a valid integer, otherwise the setting will be ignored.


The database configuration item holds the name of the database to which you wish to connect to.

Username & Password

The username and password are also required, and must be set to valid credentials in order to connect to your database successfully.

Base Model Settings

The database.php configuration file contains configuration options for setting up the behaviour of a Base Model. For use of the Base Model please see the Base Model section of this documentation.

Table name guessing

The Base Model will try to guess the name of the database table that it represents, and for this it provides you with 3 options:

  • autoTable - bool - turns table name guessing on and off
  • pluralizeTableName - bool - if turned on, the name of the table will be pluralized after the model name has been transformed to the table name
  • tableNameStyle - constant - Table Name Style

Table Name Style

The Base Model converts the class name of the model to a table name. Since table names can be in different styles, the Base Model can be configured to convert the class name into a specific table name style. To do so, use one of the following constants:

  • BaseModel::TBL_NAME_CAMEL_UCFIRST - CamelizedUpperCaseFirst
  • BaseModel::TBL_NAME_CAMEL_LCFIRST - camelizedLowerCaseFirst (default)
  • BaseModel::TBL_NAME_UNDERSCORE - separated_by_underscores
  • BaseModel::TBL_NAME_LOWERCASE - alllowercase

To keep the same style of naming as the class name, set it to the bool value false.