Slaxer, pronounced slacker, is the command line tool of the Framework. It is used to manipulate various components, simplifies building of command line applications, and simplifies Framework upgrades between versions when applicable. For custom commands, the Framework provides a loader for custom commands that can be written by the user. But the main purpose of Slaxer is to simplify installation, maintenance, and removal of Framework components.
Slaxer uses Symfony Console libraries to simplify interaction with the console and simplify creation of custom commands.
Component manipulation¶
Component manipulation refers to installation, maintaining, and removal of Framework components that are not part of the core. For this the following commands are provided:
- component:install [component name] <version>
- component:upgrade <component name> <version>
- component:remove [component name]
- component:reconfigure [component name]
- component:list
Slaxer uses Composer for component manipulation, and such is advised that the composer executable is made available. If the composer executable is not found, Slaxer will try to install composer by itself.
To install a component you need a name of the component. The name of the component consists of a vendor and name separated by a forward slash (/). By default, Slaxer will attempt to install a package from the slaxweb vendor if one is not supplied in the name itself.
In example, to install the view component from slaxweb you would navigate to the root directory of the application and run:
./slaxer component:install view
This will begin installation of the slaxweb/view component. By default, the Framework defines the components version for the currently installed Framework version. The versions are defined in the slaxer.php configuration file. Should you wish to install a different version of a component you may define it after the component name:
./slaxer component:install view dev-develop
The above command will install the slaxweb/view component from the develop branch of the component. This may lead to undesired functionality or lack of, and is therefore discouraged. If you are installing a component not from the slaxweb vendor you will have to define the version of that component in the slaxer.php configuration file, or in the command line when installing. When no version is defined, neither in the configuration file, nor in the command line when executing, Slaxer will fall back to dev-master and attempt to install the component from that version.
When a component provides sub-components, those will be made available for choosing when the main component has been installed. You will be prompted to enter the name of a sub-component(s) separated by a comma(,), or None if the component does not require a sub-component to be installed.
Component upgrade command is not yet available. It will be available in future releases of the framework.
Component remove command is not yet available. It will be available in future releases of the framework.
Component reconfigure command is not yet available. It will be available in future releases of the framework.
Component list command is not yet available. It will be available in future releases of the framework.
Custom Commands¶
To write your own custom commands, they must extend from the \Symfony\Component \Console\Command\Command class and define all the required methods. For more information on this, please refer to the Symfony Console documentation. To make the command usable with Slaxer, you need to register it with the Framework. To do so, you will have to make sure that your command class can be autoloaded, and add it to the commandList configuration item in the provider.php configuration file.