SlaxWeb Framework
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Namespace SlaxWeb

: introduce some abstraction, right now it's just too procedural

: needs a complete rewrite in the future, structure of the code here is catastrophic! Author: slax0r

: needs a complete rewrite in the future, structure of the code here is catastrophic! Author: slax0r

: needs a complete rewrite in the future, structure of the code here is catastrophic! Author: slax0r

: needs a complete rewrite in the future, structure of the code here is catastrophic! Author: slax0r

Member SlaxWeb::checkComposer ()
: Install composer locally if not found
Member SlaxWeb::errorHandler (int $code, string $error, string $file, int $line, array $context=[])
log the error in appropriate level
Member SlaxWeb::register (Container $container)
load the Install Package Command